
The special Magic Trays are fitted over your upper and lower teeth and molded. Magic Gel is then placed inside the Magic Trays. Blue light emitted from the state-of-the-art Magic Blue Light Transmitter activates the Magic Gel, which whiten your teeth in 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure for 6 consecutive days and that glamorous smile is yours.

Production Procedure


The production facilities of Dr. White™, developed by Miracles International Limited, is located in the USA.

The formulation of our whitening gel, production, quality control, ingredients testing and packaging procedures have all been handled conscientiously and meticulously with the support of our strong research, production and quality control team.

All active ingredients are made in the USA and our production is regulated under the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To ensure safety and reliability of our products, we have also been approved by SGS with various tests including CE.

Find out more

Dr. White™ Special Series