The EMINENT WATER LEGEND, Hydrolyzed Collagen with Sodium Hyaluronate
The legendary water solution, via combination of precious hydrolyzed collagen extract with superb moisture locking sodium hyaluronate, all contribute to the highest imaginable water boosting and retaining abilities of your skin. Sodium Hyaluronate is renowned for its ability to hold 1000 times its weight of water, formulated with hydrolyzed collagen, healthy and surprisingly hydrated, wrinkle free hands is easily retrieved.
清新怡人的爽香氣味,來自欖香精油、天竺葵精油及萊姆青檸精油的完美結合。古埃及人早於日常護理中加入欖香樹脂,以發揮其卓越的舒緩及抗炎合功效。欖香脂油更能賦與肌膚 膠原蛋白重建及肌膚細胞重生的能力,雙手即時水潤、清新,綻放迷人亮白光芒。